How to Improve Website Load Times

Popular websites like eBay, Amazon or Groupon are well known for their functionality, low-cost products, graphics or how cool they are; websites are not known for their speed.
Because websites need to load images and buffer videos.
In this infographic, we can learn how to improve the page load time of any website.

Top 3 Tips to Speed up any Website

Use a Content Delivery Network

Traditionally, the speed of a website varies from where the website visitor is physically located and wouldn’t it be nice if the site loads consistently regardless of where the web server is? This is exactly what a content delivery network does by storing your content on various servers across the globe.

Take Advantage of a Caching Plugin

A caching plugin like W3 Total Cache can compress files and pages; this enables the website to load faster. Caching plugins can also minimize the file size by removing empty spaces and lines.

Use an Image Compression Plugin

In the modern day, you will rarely find a site without any high-quality images. But most sites do not manage the image size or resolution well. If you want to make this easier employ an image compression plugin.

In Conclusion

Do some basic housekeeping of your website today so you don’t lose out on potential leads to your competitors. Hopefully, this infographic can show you the way to fast loading site.


Selvaraj Mudali

Trying to fit in this world.

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