Are you worried that your blog is getting limited traffic despite the amount of time and effort you are putting into it? Many people starting out as a blogger with the intention to make money often start to question weather its worth it and end up giving up. This is why the majority of blogs fail or don’t make any money.
Everyone makes mistakes from time to time with blogging however if you don’t figure out these mistakes and rectify the you are never going to improve or increase your blogs traffic, Here are 12 Blogging Mistakes that could be effecting your traffic.

1) Not Blogging Consistently

You need to be consistent with writing and publish posts on your blog, If your blog is inactive it won’t increase your traffic and likewise if there is not new regular content for your audience to view then its unlikely that they will revisit your site.

2) Not Promoting or Marketing New Content

A lot of bloggers publish new content and then essentially forget about it, Its essential that you market and promote new content as soon as its promoted to maximize the amount of traffic. I tend to Tweet all new posts as they are published and then continue to promoted them on a regualr basis after that.
There are various automated posting plugins which will automatically publish new posts on Facebook or Twitter after hitting the publish button. This way you won’t forget to do it.

3) Not Knowing Your Audience

Its important that you know your audience and are aware of what they want, If you post something which your audience isn’t interested in then they aren’t going to read it.
You should take the time to research your audience and find out exactly what they want, therefore you can create content which will help them solve a problem or provide useful content, this way it will maximize your engagement and traffic.

4) Not Analyzing your Stats

Its important that you analyze your stats, even if you don’t have a great deal of traffic. By Looking at your stats you can work out which posts and pages generate the most traffic, this way you will figure out what your audience likes most and what they are most attracted to on your site, You should then create more similar content in order to increase your traffic and engagement.

5) Procrastinating

Blogs take time, effort and determination to build up traffic and page views. Therefore don’t delay and instead get stuck into publishing content and growing your blog.

6) Not Providing Quality Content

Providing quality content is a must if you want to have blog traffic, Mainly because high quality useful content will rank better in Search Engines therefore you will have more search engine traffic. Also people are more likely to engage and revisit your blog if they know you provide high quality content.
Remember quality over quantity. Instead of trying to publish post after post, spend time really working and getting stuck into publishing a post, this way the post will gain quality traffic.

7) Your Blogs Hard to Navigate

Having a good blog theme with easy navigation is important for gaining and keeping traffic, No one is going to stay on a webpage or revisit it if its hard to navigate and find the content which they are looking for.

8) Not being Persisting

It takes a large amount of dedication and effort to be successful in any blog, The top earning blogs have been around for years. Its going to take time and dedication therefore you need to be persistent.

9) Lack of Visual Content

People love visual content and images, its hard to read and engage in a blog which is full of text. Make sure you include visual content in your posts and pages.

10) Writing Poor Headlines

Its essential that you write catchy headlines for your posts, The headline determines weather or not a reader wants to read further into the post.

11) Not Having a Email Subscriber Feature

Over half my visitors are returning visitors and the majority of these are returning through a link on an email newsletter, this is why its essential to have an email sign up form on your blog. This way you can encourage readers to sign up and receive regular emails from you. Ensure you include links back to your site within the emails so that your readers will be likely to revisit your blog.

12) Not Engaging with your Audience

Engaging with your audience will encourage them to come back to your blog, share your content and therefore increase your traffic, Everyone prefers to know an individual on more of a personal level rather than just a website. Engaging with your audience is easily done through social media, all you have to do is spend 30 minutes or so a day going through and replying to messages, comments or re-tweets.
Are there any other blogging mistakes which you can think of?

Selvaraj Mudali

Trying to fit in this world.

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